Swimming in grade 12

This year has been a difficult time for me for swimming. The wrestle between academics and continuing swimming has been hard. Especially in grade 12, when all the internal assessments and extended essay we had to do, being able to organize time was vitally important if I wanted to continue swimming. Something that I did do was to cut down a bit on swimming other I felt that it would have been difficult to maintain a good study schedule. This compromise allowed me to maintain some form of swimming standard and also allowed me to focus on my academics when I needed to. This in a way shows my perseverance to the sport as I could have easily given it up, so actually deciding to continue swimming was a way for me to demonstrate this quality. I feel as if I was somewhat successful in achieving my goals for swimming, I wanted to make the SEASAC team in which I did, however, unfortunately, it was cancelled. More importantly, I made my goals for the times that I wanted to swim in competitions which I was rather proud of. I feel like this time period where I had to compromise has helped me grow as a person. This is because I managed to find a way to balance both swimming and academics where I wouldn’t have to sacrifice one thing. This quality can help me in the future when I am forced to make a hard decision. This year in grade 12 has been really special in terms of swimming, as it is my last year in high school for this sport, so leaving with some great memories has always been a good thing about continuing swimming.

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