Setting in Reluctant Fundamentalist

Princeton is a poignant setting in The Reluctant Fundamentalist as not only is it the backdrop of many of Changez flashback scenes but also provides a symbol for the American culture that Changez attempts to assimilate in. Changez being only one of the two men from Pakistan reflects not only the prestige but the unequal races that are presented in the university by also portraying how similar to the role that America plays in the foreign field by becoming a large part of cultures outside the US whilst holding true to the American dream and very few races are equally expected. Furthermore,  highlights how he achieved it through his own merits which suggest a sense of merotoricary at Princeton University. The university promotes people with higher talent that will go on to have more success. However, we know this to not be the case in real life and in the novel. The university has students who all have high academic backgrounds and educations however it is every person for themselves which is in contrast to how Changes grew up in Pakistan and is the reality of most developed nations around the world. 

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