Special Olympics Badminton- Start of S1

The service that I have elected to do this year is special olympics badminton. It works with athletes of different levels and abilities to improve their badminton skills as well as have fun. At first, I was worried about this service as personally, I don’t feel that I am that good of a badminton player who can work with others to make their abilities better.

This service really looks at LO6 which is global value. The company that we work with, Special Olympics, host annual competitions that are integrated between those who have disabilities and those that don’t. In this, they look to decrease inequality. This is a massive and significant issue as there are often times that people with disabilities are disregarded which I feel is very unfair. My actions within this service will be helping to train the athletes in badminton so that they are able to compete in the games in August along with other players. This has really opened my eyes to the idea that anyone is able to do anything as long as they put their mind to it and has really had a positive impact on me so far.

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