Culturama Initial Relfection – Season 1

Being from New Zealand myself, leading the Haka for Culturama was always a goal I hoped to achieve, which is why I began the process of becoming a dance leader for Culturama. So far, the beginning of the Culturama process as a dance leader for New Zealand has been quite tough and challenging. These challenges took place during the planning and proposal stage, primarily with being allowed to have New Zealand be a part of cultural 2020. After weeks of back and forth between the Culturama committee and myself and my co-leader, we finally agreed upon a variation of the Haka that allowed us to partake in Culturama. This back and forth sorting out various issues required a lot of resilience,  creativity, collaboration, and communication, where we would have to continue tweaking and finding new ideas to propose to the committee in order for us to be accepted. This resilience payed off in the end, and we were accepted to be leaders for the New Zealand dance this year. After being accepted, we were allowed to begin auditions, which personally was a new experience for me. The process was somewhat familiar as I had been on the other side of the audition before, however this time I was essentially a judge. It was quite enjoyable to see various students from multiple grades take part and be interested in making our dance this year. Although we could only accept 13 students due to the COVID-19 protocols, it was still an enjoyable and new experience that I learned a lot from.

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