Does the tv/film you consume make you MORE or LESS biased towards others?

The Hollywood industry that the video describes looks and sounds like they have copied British accents. It seems like the film industry can make you bias in how people speak in shows. However, the video could just be describing unique films that happen to have EMPIRE British accents. The video needs to have evidence to support what they are trying to get across. I believe that the tv/film industry has a  language bias however that is only in shows that fit with the appropriate accent. Shows in present-day society do have American accents and do not have language bias. What I am trying to get across is that shows do not make you become bias towards others because you are watching fiction. I believe that only younger people can become influenced by this sort of bias. Most Hollywood films now are changing and I do not think that the accent of a certain protagonist or antagonist in a show can influence bias in our society.

5 comments on “Does the tv/film you consume make you MORE or LESS biased towards others?Add yours →

  1. Very interesting and something that I haven’t thought about before. i like how you gave your own opinion at the end and also stated facts and evidence.

  2. Some very insightful thoughts in here really facilitating some deep thinking, great job.

  3. This is very interesting! Now that it is mentioned, I realized that this can be true in some movies. An additional perspective you may wish to consider is that maybe they just can’t find any actors/actress who is fit for the character. Or maybe people with strong British accents sound particularly evil… Maybe.

  4. Your post and your thoughts are very interesting and different from how I thought of it at first. A quote that resonated with me was “I do not think that the accent of a certain protagonist or antagonist in a show can influence bias in our society.” because you look at the situation from a whole and it makes you look at it in a different way. Something you may like to consider is how the media and shows can influence people but not just about accents. And the thought behind the accents of the different types of characters.

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