What Lockdown Had Taught Me About The Environment

Being in lockdown, I have properly been able to see and understand the actual damage we cause to the environment on a day to day basis. Because of the lockdown regulations all around the world, there has been a huge reduction in carbon emissions and pollution. This really shed a light on the massive environmental impact of our everyday habits and is allowing us to be more conscious of how much energy we consume.

Carbon emissions have been reduced because of many things. Due to travel restrictions, there have been less frequent airplanes flying which have helped cut down CO2 emissions. Factories that pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have been closed, fewer people driving cars, and many more.

What I find the disheartening part to be is that experts conclude for carbon emissions to rise and actually increase as we slowly return back to work. Since there has been a delay in most industries, firms will need to work even harder to profit, this means more consumption of resources at a higher rate leading to increased CO2 emissions. I just hope that while it is inevitable for companies to use resources at a higher rate, in an attempt to combat that, the general public will be more mindful of their consumption and keep an eye on it in an effort to save our planet.

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