What Lockdown Is Teaching Me About Family

Surprisingly enough, the one aspect of life I feel as though hasn’t been affected by the pandemic is my family life. My parents are huge believers in bonding time and spending time with each other no matter the circumstance, whether is family game or movie night or debating different topics, we’ve always had time for each other. This lockdown is somewhat similar to what my family life would look like during study leave and the holidays. Of course, there are times of frustration between myself and other family members but if there is one thing to take away from staying at home during this virus outbreak is communication.

As cheesy as it sounds, the second my family and I learned to effectively communicate our reasons behind our exasperation it was as if most of our problems just disappeared. Since I’m not the best as expressing true emotions to the people around me, this did take a bit of work from my family and me, however, they were encouraging and understanding if I did have an outburst. Instead of lashing back, they’d realize that I was having trouble expressing frustrations since they too would be placed in a similar situation from time to time. We all tried our best to understand that we were irritated not because of each other but because of the circumstances we’re in.

I don’t think this pandemic has affected my family life much, instead, it has actually strengthened our communicative skills and in a way reinforced our familial bond.