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When I started reading, romance books for pre-teens were my preferred reading. For the past ten months, I have been very caught up in the Sapiens series – I have a great interest in humans and our culture. The first book in the series took me around 9 months to read because I wanted to understand as much as possible, not saying that I remember every detail, but the book has definitely changed me and my view on things.

After finishing the book, I have not been doing something crazy and impressive because of the book, but my day to day actions, openness, and understanding of others has developed. The book made me realise how many different types of people there are, and how different we all do things. Aside from different Gods there are also different types of religions – this part especially made me curious. Right now I am reading a book about a religious traveller travelling eastward to visit Sai Baba, and I was inspired by Sapiens, to explore other peoples perspective on religion, even though I am not religious myself.

It is not long ago I started becoming a more mature reader, so my repertoire is not that interesting yet. Before reading Sapiens, I read one of Agatha Christies classics ‘Murder In Mesopotamia’, in English. It was a difficult book for me to read, but I enjoyed it very much. Birdsong is also going to be a challenge to me and exciting since I have not read romance books in a long time – something I am looking forward to again. I just hope the pace is not too slow, since there is history and war involved.