My UWCSEA Learning Journey

My Portfolio

Sustainabrew Reflection 1 (LO1)

[LO1] Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One area for development I have is communication and leadership. We work in groups and I feel that it is a great opportunity to develop my leadership skills. So far in the lessons, I have attended, I was able to reflect and I noticed that I was not contributing much and our group was not communicating which lead to inefficient use of our time. To fix this I believe I can be more vocal and make suggestions throughout to build on this skill but to also benefit the service. However, currently, I think a strength is that I am able to help out and work together with my group. For instance, I was able to assist a member of my group with assembling the juicer.

Another area for development is expressing my ideas verbally. During sessions, I do not think I contribute enough to larger group discussions but I would like to work on this because it can potentially impact not just my learning and knowledge but others as well. Furthermore, I can work on the organization. In our second session, we already began making and testing drinks but a major issue with that was working collectively and splitting tasks up evenly to effectively use time. But I can acknowledge that it was just the start and that this can improve over time and only happened due to the fact that we have barely worked with each other compounded with the new environment. • October 25, 2020

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