Chetan Bhagat (Authorpreneur)

Chetan Bhagat (Authorpreneur)

I found Chetan Bhagat’s talk very interesting because he started his talk from a different angle compared to Steve Dawson. He started off making jokes and from there built on to the idea that to make people listen to you, you should kind of attract their attention first. He explained how he writes books, news articles, movies to make change happen in India. He feels that his country India can be fixed in many different ways. He does that by either adding an underlying message in his books/movies or he uses social media as he has a big fanbase now. What he talks about doesn’t need to relate to books he also talks about things that also relate to life. For example, he talks about adaptation. How we have to adapt to the changing world and how the strongest aren’t always the ones that survive. He uses the dinosaur as an example they used to be the kings of the world, but now they are extinct. There are cockroaches who have been alive for many years because they can adapt and live pretty much anywhere which is why they survive. He also talked about there 2 types of winners, Winners who do it better than others and winner who change the game. He talks about how he changed writing in India by writing more basic English books so a lot more people can read it. How he writes books, movies, newspaper articles etc.

He also gave these tips to achieve big things: 1.) Setting a clear goal 2.) Reasons Behind that goal 3.)Finding the group 4.)Detailed action plan 5.) Faith

Also, he gave us success tips: 1.) Under Promise and over deliver 2.)reinvent 3.)Passion in intent shows 4.)Patience 5.)Partnerships 6.) Humility.

I feel that that talk was a very productive and good talk.

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4 Replies to “Chetan Bhagat (Authorpreneur)”

  1. says: Reply

    You are very amazing in terms of not retelling the story of the talk but summing it up to very key and essential points. Something that helped synthesize the post is when you show how the speaker drew you in through telling jokes and how that made you be more attentive to what he was saying.

    1. says: Reply

      Thank you for replying to my comment and giving me good feedback. I really like that you really read through my post and quoted it and explained. Thank you very much.

  2. says: Reply

    I liked the organization and planning in this post. You were able to bring up some good points made by Chetan Bhagat. The last line made me think, how did this talk benefit you? I am also wondering, how will you use these tips to benefit your working experiences in order to achieve goals? Something you could do to allow the reader to understand more about your opinion is to show more examples of your points or to dig deeper and explain your what you think.

    1. says: Reply

      I respect your comment. Thank you next time I will add more of a personal feel to it and talk more about my future career and etc. This talk benefitted me to really help me in other things not only writing also in life. These goals can help e plan out and get ready for the future better.

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