Gpers- Climate Change Perspectives

I believe that the responsibility must be shared by all the countries, as it is GLOBAL warming, not specific to a certain country. Climate change will affect and has already started to affect everyone, regardless of whether they are a developed country or developing country. In a way, this also means that countries that have emitted more will also have to pay. Regardless of whether a country is rich or poor, in terms of its economy or industrialization, the responsibility relies on all countries that agreed to do something about climate change in the Paris Agreement.

The main courses of action to tackle climate change can include: making the switch from non- renewable sources of energy (fossil fuels) to renewable sources of energy (wind, solar etc.), as we can see is already being done in countries such as Spain and Denmark. This will reduce the carbon emissions going into the air.

Another solution could be to continue along the road the Paris Agreement had laid out- but enforcing more strict rules if something is not followed. For example, if a country says they will stay below a certain limit, there should be strict regulations to make sure it won’t happen again.

An issue regarding climate change is that developing countries are where we can start to see the effects of it. However, it is not the fault of these countries, it is due to the mass production of items for the rest of the world, the pressure they get from other countries and much more, that their emissions are higher. They do not have the funds and the money to make a difference in their country regarding climate change, because they have to worry about the economic development of their country before they can focus on other pressing matters. Therefore, wealthier countries should provide them with some funds and support to make sure that everyone has the resources to implement the changes within their countries.

As I said before, climate change is a global issue and has to be tackled by everyone, just one country cannot fix the damage that multiple countries have created.

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