FIB Drama Collaborative Project

Intentional Reflection-

I’ve never learned drama before, but I think skills that I had already had was creativity and agility. I enjoy thinking  out of the box and I’ve learned Pilates for many years, which helped me develop agility and smooth movement. I used those skill sets to give ideas to our group and express emotions and situations throughout movement. I think skills that I should work on more is use of space and level.

Evaluative Reflection-

Communication between fellow actors worked really well. All of us thought about the piece outside of the classroom as well and thus gave an idea frequently.  Also, we respected other’s ideas and helped each other develop them further. However, occasionally, even though we had intention, it was hard to choose way of showing idea.

Retrospective Reflection-

I learned that it is really important to think out of the box when devising a piece. It gave me an significant lesson to me not only as a drama student but also as a human being. Sometimes, I feel like I am trapping myself from being different and unique because I am afraid of people’s criticism or misunderstanding. However, now I know that being in a rut is not helpful for anything.


Action Points

-Use of more space

-More interaction with fellow actors on the stage

-Smooth connection 

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