Dance showcase end of season 2(final) reflection

Until the Chinese New Year holiday, we mainly focused on learning the dances that we are going to perform. All of us had to learn the choreography  of the song “friends like me” and we divided into two groups where my group learned the jazz-style choreo and the other group learned contemporary dance. As we did not have enough time, we had to learn the dance pretty quickly and had to recall all the moves we learned before the following week during the rehearsal. I sadly forgot most of the moves we learned before CNY after I came back from the holiday, which made me worry a lot. I did not want to be a burden to my group, so I practiced really hard at home. Also, people in my dances helped me a lot and as we practiced as a group, I could memorise the dance quite well. Something challenging was that we were missing few people including one of our leaders that could not come to school due to corona virus. We had to learn formation but it was quite hard to learn it with few people missing as we also had to consider their positions. However, dance leaders uploaded diagram showing our formation on group chat and we could easily figure out formations. We started putting a lot of extra efforts and time 2 weeks before the dance showcase. We practiced during the weekends and after school. Sometimes, as group members were free at different dates and they were all busy so it was hard to come up with the slot where everyone was free. I also had to study for the tests and hoped we could practice after my test to be honest but I could actually managed to do as much work as I would have done if I did not have weekend rehearsals and through this experience, I learned that managing my time is really hard and that doing it well could enable me to do activities I like which will give me positive energy that will keep me motivated and bring some happiness into my life:)




Culturama Italy final reflection


Another challenge we faced was that the costumes that our dance leader ordered did not arrive even though it was express delivery. Eventually, we gave up waiting for them and tried to find similar skirts as the original one in the  school drama costume office. There were red skirts that were not so similar, we had no choice but to use them. Collaboration was very important in achieving my goal as well as our team’s goal because without discussing the problems(challenges) we faced such as costume problem, we could not have made rational choices that helped us perform better. Throughout this experience, I also learnt that it is better for the members of the group to try to face the problems on the early stage of the progress than later because  it is hard to fix problems at some point even when ones discover it.  I would like to make suggestions to make some changes/improvement when I see errors/something missing even though it might be hard to fix that as a group.