Continuing Body Pump

Learning Outcome: LO4-Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences. Students can articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience or series of CAS experiences.

I have still been going to body pump and it has been great for me. Because it happens on a Thursday after school, I find it quite nice that after a school day I take some time out to focus on physical fitness. I notice that when I do body pump I do not pay attention to what is happening in school around me, which means when I do go home and start work, I give 100% of my attention and I am far more productive.

Body pump has also currently inspired me to make my lifestyle healthier holistically. I find it quite pointless that I take part in body pump but do not eat the healthiest. I am trying to change my diet to be healthier, by not reducing quantity but increasing quality. I have started eating more protein and vegetables while decreasing carbs.

As can be seen by the first photo (top left), a body pump video is projected on the screen. Body pump was a concept designed by Les Mills, the people in the video projected are Les Mills professionals. It is quite nice to follow along with trained professionals because they give us tips along the way in regards to form and technique to make sure we make the most of the time when we are exercising. You can see me following the videos in the (bottom left and right) photo.

Another great thing about body pump so far is that I get to do it with friends, as can be seen in the second (top right) photo. It is a very supportive environment because watching others persevere makes me push myself. Last week, there was an exercise I struggled to do, and one of my friends gave me advice on an easier modified version I could do that works out the same muscle. Having others around with the same goal of overall health means we can help each other out along the way!



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