Pre Season Netball

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. // LO4-Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences. Students can articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience or series of CAS experiences.

This is an activity that occurs once a week for 1.5 hours where a group of girls from 11th and 12th grade get together to play netball. It is before the competitive season begins so it is merely a chance to develop new skills and get used to the game. I have played netball in the past a little but never at a competitive level.

I believe this activity achieves LO2 because it has been a long time since I’ve played a competitive team sport. I know that I work a lot better alone which means this will be an opportunity for me to refine my collaboration skills. Furthermore I am quite nervous to work in a team because I know I am not great at sports and I am worried my level will not match up and I could potentially let my teammates down. This is going to be a challenge for me in terms of learning the sport itself but as well as giving myself an opportunity to grow and become comfortable with my abilities.

I believe this is also an accurate activity for the first part of LO4 because I will have to attend this activity weekly. I know there will be times when I am lazy to stay after school or even scared because of the skill level, but I will have to stay resilient and show up to trainings in order to improve.

I am excited to see my progress after a while!

Lighthouse Motor Skill Service experience

Today was our first time interacting with the kids itself and it was a new experience to say the least. I had to become a lot more aware and notice everything I was doing to compensate for the fact that most of the kids were not aware for themselves. The biggest challenge I noticed was keeping them engaged in one activity at a time. We were constantly needing to adapt because they would get bored or perhaps the activity was too hard and we overestimated ability. One thing that fascinated me was how independent some of them were. They were able to clearly articulate their interests and build friendships with us. Some of them even looked out for their friends that were more impaired than themselves by sharing the material or guiding them through activities. All in all, it was a very inetresting opportunity to partake in and I look forward to seeing the kids again.

You can see evidence of our planning and communication amongst the service team:

Kahaani Dance

LO1-Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth // LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Kahaani in Hindi means Story. Kahaani is a dance showcase that happens in our school every year and it is composed of dances all from India. It is put on by a service in our school that supports people in Kolkata, India. I am very excited to be a part of it for the first time!

I think Kahaani is a great opportunity for me to refine my dance skills and find areas for me to grow. I have done two other dance performances since the start of this school year and I am really excited that I get to build on it. I can identify my strengths in dance like picking up choreography etc, but I would like to push myself out of my comfort zone and try something new with Kahaani.

My dance leader this year is a professionally trained dancer herself so I know this is going to be at a more advanced levels than the other two dances I have done. I am ready to take on some challenges and see what I can gain from them. I know that new skills are going to be brought in as I have never done Kahaani before and I know that there is always something to learn from a new environment.

We just met today to discuss which dances we are all going to be in and get to know one another. From here on out it will be a weekly rehearsal during our school lunchtime until close to the show date when we will be staying a little later.

All in all I am super excited!

The Devil’s Arithmetic Final Thoughts

Today I finished reading ‘ The Devil’s Arithmetic’ and it was one of the most eye opening books I think I have ever read. Most books that pertain to the holocaust usually take it from the perspective of someone from that time, but this book had an interesting spin of a modern character that was transported back in time to witness it. This created so much tension in the book as the character new the horrors of the holocaust but was surrounded by so many people who were not from the future and so had no idea about what the trouble was.

One of the most interesting things was the way the author made stories out of the numbers people were given. For example, a number like J17568 would be seen as: J=Jew, 1=1 person, 7=7family members, 5=left alive, 6=age when captured… The author depicted that even amongst one of the greatest tragedies people did not lose their humanities and turned a label into a way of remembering their own stories.

The title itself pertained to the Arithmetic of one day after the next. It was the Devil’s arithmetic sequence of one slow day passing by the next, as they knew that death was coming closer and closer. When we look back at these atrocities, we think of them in the time scale of weeks and months but we forget that for many people it was tolerating numerous excruciating days in which they wanted to give up. We see it as a mass event, and sometimes we forget the struggles at an individual level.

I think faith was a huge concept that arose in the book. There was so much emphasis as to how people in the camps continued to believe that God always had a plan for them. Anytime things went wrong, they would continue to trust that God did it for a reason. There were stories of people who killed themselves so they were killed in their pure hands rather than at the hands of corrupted officials as that way God would see them as victors, because they controlled their own death.

I loved how all the characters that the main character encountered were her relatives in the past because it gave such a personal link and we were able to see the development of appreciation in the main character as she witnessed the struggles of her loved ones.

Overall I think it was a really great book in terms of the pace and style, and minor details the author had were extremely thought provoking.

The Devil’s Arithmetic First Impression

I began to read a book called Devil’s Arithmetic which is about a Jewish family reminiscing about the Holocaust. It focuses a lot on the ceremonies they have to do and how the main character’s grandpa is traumatised by the war and his past.

I have read barely anything, but I already have a few thoughts in mind. The book is written in the third person, which for realistic fiction stories is quite rare. Even then, I find that the author can depict the relationship between her and her brother. The concept of family is something I see to be important to the story especially upon the issue of the holocaust. I think that author is making a clear link that whether it is back then or now, family is a very important part of everyone’s life.

The book also looks a lot into culture and tradition. The main character herself does not have a lot of appreciation for Jewish traditions, but she also does not have the same emotional link to them as her grandfather. I can relate to this, as I question a lot of Hindu and Indian traditions that my parents take part in. I have never lived in India and I don’t see myself as a practicing Hindu, but I too see the value of community in all I do.

The writer has a very simple style of writing and they are able to capture the implications of a historical event in a modern time. I love the variety of characters as well. There are so many relationships to look at between characters and it shows that idea of a complicated family which you see in a lot of communities which are recovering from historical tragedies.

I predict that the grandfather’s condition of fits will progressively get worse throughout the book and I feel as though he may pass away. I think the author could use that as an opportunity to bring the family closer over his passing away and even reflect on his life circumstances which will link back to the holocaust.

My Experiments with Truth Final Relfection

As of yesterday, I finished reading Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography. Beginning the book, I had a lot of expectations. I thought it would discuss a lot about his struggles freedom fighting for India or hoe he overthrew the British. The book was focused a lot more on his personal life, his relationships and day to day choices rather than the bigger picture.

I was surprised to find out that my view of Gandhi himself changed a lot after reading the book. Most people think he lived a lavished life, having gone to school abroad and going to South Africa, it seemed as if he was more well off than most people in India. But when reading his story, I learnt of all the struggles he needed to overcome to be able to accomplish what he did. We battled physical abuse, violence and medical issues, which he overcame to pursue his mission.

When I first began reading, I though the book would be focused on learning about the “Truth”. When I discussed it with my mom, she felt as though Gandhi wrote a lot about looking at the objective truth without letting one’s biases get in the way. Seeing as he was a lawyer, this would be a valid perspective as in many of his cases he needed to put his patriotic feelings aside and deal with the problem at hand. However, I interpreted his “experiments with truth” to be the discovery of one’s truth. At many points in Gandhi’s life, he was asked or given the opportunity to compromise his moral for a better return, but after years of learning, he always stood his ground as to what he believed in.

Another thing that fascinated me was the way he remembered such minute details of his life. We has able to recall specific dates and locations, people and emotions. I think his great memory allowed for him to create an extremely reflective piece which gave an insight into what he did at the moment and what he thought of it years later. Many times (especially in regards to his early marriage), he spoke a lot about his regrets. I feel like that is a side of Gandhi that many do not see, the human aspect of him that made mistakes.

Overall, it was a worthwhile book to read. As an Indian myself, I developed a new found love for the way people of my country handled their struggles and issues. It has also made me think about myself a lot more critically in the way I stand by what I believe in and make my choices.