Career Contacts Reflection #4

It is the final stretch before the conclusion of my career contacts journey. As of today, Our group has been finalising our presentation for Demo Day on the 23rd. Our focus for our presentation is to present ways in which Tribe Tours can revamp their social media advertising campaign for one of their existing tours, Chinatown Murder Mystery. We came up with these ideas as a group by pooling together our collective skills and experience. My partners had the experience of participating in the tour while I had the skill to organise everybody for a group meeting. Our presentation and new ideas have been broken down into 3 parts. A Brochure and Infographic, funny signs and props for a “photobooth” and a new brand of Instagram posts and stories that engages the audience better. We decided that a single page infographic would be highly effective in conveying the details of the game in a visual manner which would be more appealing to our younger target audience. The funny signs and props for the photo booth would also be a way for people to add flair to their photos and make them more memorable. The photo booth will also allow us to gain brand recognition. Finally, Tribe Tours is in need of a more established Instagram presence with a theme that coincides with their mission. We plan to implement more engaging and shareable content.

New skills have been developed in this process as I have learnt how to identify Tribe Tours target audience. I achieved this through proper communication with both my team members and Yock Song. My team members stated that some of the puzzles on the murder mystery tour were too easy. Yock Song also stated that they were trying to target a younger audience who would be feeling the most boredom during these trying times. I was able to show commitment and perseverance throughout this entire journey as I was able to dedicate sufficient time to meet with my group and Yock Song despite having a lot of schoolwork.

The benefits of this group are that we are able to compensate for each other shortcomings. For example, my groupmates were on holiday break so they were free enough to experience the murder mystery tour by themselves. I was also able to arrange meetings and facilitate conversation.

Here, I am reflecting on what has happened so far. I collected these anecdotes from my groupmates through informal interviews/conversations over discord.

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