How does this Passage help the reader understand Isma’s Identity?

Isma has also dealt with the duality of her identity and this is made especially apparent by her reaction to Parvaiz’s attempt at repatriation. She has struggled with balancing family loyalty and loyalty to British values and national interests. In this passage, her identity crisis is put forward and several events are foreshadowed. Despite her acceptance of British values and appreciation for British culture, the Heathrow interrogation cements how authorities often use racial profiling. The sheer number of times that Isma has been stopped, searched and questioned has impacted her world view and by extension her identity. Looking up at the skylight, most people would optimistically imagine bright comets and lunar eclipses through the glass whilst Isma can only see a surveillance satellite hovering over her and documenting her every move. This “Jangles her nerves” as she imagines the security state spying on her daily activities, communications and internet search history just because she identifies as a Muslim. It also shows how she is always hyper-aware of her activities, knowing how even the slightest slip-up would be exaggerated by others and would paint her as a dangerous terrorist. It seems that she is trying her best to shake the identity of being a terrorist, as her father fought Jihads overseas and her brother is working for ISIS’s media unit, but she stills tries to maintain a strong familial connection and practises Islam. She grew up having to raise the twins and act as a mother-figure. Her strong connection to Aneeka is established when she sends a picture of parachutists to her with the caption “Try this someday?”. Her practice of Islam is made apparent by her “dawn prayer” when she “first awakens”. However, the foreshadowing of her fundamental beliefs being rocked at their core is seen in the second paragraph. Parvaizs dilemma is consistently referenced through symbols and allusions. Parvaizs ambitious journey to find purpose and succeed in his father’s legacy leads him into a precarious situation in ISIS territory, similar to how Icaraus’s desire to gain vainglory results in him plummeting from the sky. The sheer distress and effect of ISIS brainwashing are represented by the snowstorm that the weight of it “presses the familiarity out of the objects so that the glove placed beside its former pair looked no more than a distant relative “, the glove symbolising Parvaiz. Isma’s dilemma is also highlighted hear as she is presented with 2 choices, “Throw away both gloves or wear them mismatched to acknowledge the miracle of their reunion?”. Does she distance herself from a traitor or try to repatriate him?

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