Songs that matter…

As a musician, I’m always listening to a wide range of music and always wanting to explore the different genres and such. Although, recently, I’ve been jumping from different playlists that are categorized by emotions, genres or songs that may resonate with a memory (time/place). To be more in-depth, I generally listen to songs that have more of an acoustic feel or explore the styles of jazz / R&B and classical. I think that the artists and songs that I rotate from, usually make me feel a sense of connection and understanding of what their song means to me. In essence, every song has an underlying meaning, however, it can always be perceived in a very different way to different listeners and personally think that this is the beauty of music — that it’s completely up to interpretation. Some examples of what I’ve been recently listening to are; Stevie Wonder, Maggie Rogers, Lake Street Dive, Bruno Major and many more. Recently, I’ve been really into the work of The Lumineers and the reason for this is because in an album they tend to make their songs short stories in itself but as a whole following a specific theme. In my opinion, I think their work and music presents itself of very much looking from someone else’s perspective (very much like their song Donna) and with the specific choices of the instruments, it creates a different reality which I think works well when (for some people) music is an escape. Moreover, the other artists that I mentioned above also produce great work and I think what draws me into these artist’s songs or styles, is the idea of how it resonates with me in some aspect and I would say the craft that was put into the making. Different components such as; the instrumentation, the lyrics, the meaning behind those words, the origin and essentially the rawer and stripped down it sounds would usually be what I go for.

Currently, I think that all music is very much significant to each individual, especially with everything going on around the world, everyone is dealing with the situation is very different manners and through times like these personal issues may arise and as I mentioned above; music is an escape for some, it’s a time to unwind and to not think so much, as it is a time for one to make each song their own interpretation.

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