Tag Archives: #IFP#Peace Conference.LO7

Initiative For Peace-Reflections

Welcome to this exciting experience of mine from the IFP  conference I was involved in.

Mainly it is my first here don’t mind please if things are a bit not organized.Well we had an IFP conference in Dover Campus at the end of previous week .And I experienced something which helped me recognise the ethics and consequences which we are to face while participating some of the activities in CAS.

We had several talks on Discrimination,Identity,Media and Violence.I will talk more about the Discrimination session which we had a task to demonstrate how discrimination happens in our society and one of my group had to show how racial discrimination occurs in our society.I was of course the only of a different race from the others so I had to stand for  the part where I had to be discriminated for the mission to be accomplished.From this I learn that there are people who are really facing lots of problems and such discriminative actions but no one is there to help them raise their voices .But I  trust as a group of youths doing such a program then we can be the one helping such kind of people through what they are facing.Also I realized that we have to face some challenges in accomplishing the activities which are going to help me grow in different areas.

I pleasure such moments when I get new experiences in my life.