Student Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here

The Umbrella of Education

The first few meetings of my Green Umbrella global concern have been absolutely mind-opening. Not only did I get the chance to explore the website and learn about the Green Umbrella movement started by Sokrath in Cambodia, but also got the chance to choose my working field as well as to contribute to discussions of our future planning with regards to working in collaboration with the NGO. I decided to contribute towards the building of a plastic press, an area related to my interests of technology and physics. I believe that this global concern, going forward, will give me the chance to collaborate and work with a group of motivated students(LO5) as well as the opportunity to work for solving a issue of global concern (LO6).

Green Umbrella is a kind of service that I have never been a part of before. On the start of the first session, I was frankly unsure about how I will go forward contributing towards this global concern. However, by exploring the website and selecting my field of work, I feel that I have a sense of direction and can go on to give my best to this GC. Firstly, I believe that even the first few sessions of Green Umbrella taught me the importance of collaboration. I had to work together and devise a plan for the GC with several other students, some my seniors, some by classmates, while the other juniors. The group was diverse and so were our ideas for the future. However, to be successful in achieving the aim of our GC, team-work and agreement was absolutely essential and hence, after a couple of discussions and a kind of debate, we were able to reach a common ground. Similarly, I was also able to connect with and gain knowledge about an issue of global concern- the lack of education. I was able to see how due to economic instability, several children are not given access to the education they have a right on. Due to this, I was also able to recognise the importance of and appreciate the cause that this global concern is working for as education is something I hold very dear to my heart and seeing that so many children are being deprived of it was truly shaking.

The first few sessions are just the starting phase. Being a part of this GC, I have a lot more coming my way. However, I still believe that I have learnt a lot during these first few sessions. By participating in this activity, I have become more aware about this serious issue so widely present in the world yet ignored by many. I have learnt that recognising the presence of an issue is a very small part, what we must do is to put in our best efforts and contribute towards solving it. Hence, I feel much more motivated to be a part of this GC and in the future, believe that the first thing that will come to my mind when faced with a big problem would be the question, how to solve it. Along with being motivated, I have also recognised some key aspects of being a team player. I see now that when put in groups, many of us will have different opinions however, a true team-player is a one that can respect all these opinions and drive the discussion in a way to reach a common ground. In the future, I have decided that I will do just that. This experience has also brought a change in my thinking. I now believe that considering that one is right is not being a team-player. To be an efficient team-player, I must do something that I, along with everyone else, considers right.

I am really happy to be a part of Green Umbrella, and seriously look forward to contribute towards the education of the young minds in Cambodia. I look forward to the new experiences that are coming, the future sessions, the project week, as well as the several opportunities that I will get to grow as a person.

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