For the past classes of Personal & Social Education, we focused on detailed analysis of our selves, which included the realization of distinct personalities and factors that affect our identities. I’ve learned that every person thinks differently, behaves differently, and has a different reason. I am a very open person, for example, but it doesn’t mean that I never get shy or that I can’t keep secrets. My friends would describe me as loyal and sensitive; however, by simply looking at me you wouldn’t know those characteristics of mine. You wouldn’t know whether I am a competitive, lazy, emotional, or fun-to-hang-out-with kind of person. The only way you would be able to actually understand who I am is when you get to know me on an emotional level.

I’m good at people. I mean, I am good at reading people. I am able to identify the behaviors of one based on their emotional state or other potential factors that have an influence on their actions. Moreover, I am able to control my own emotions very well – something that I prioritize before trying to understand other people’s feelings – which is why I succeed in building emotional connections with the ones around me. I believe there is always a reason for a certain behavior: it is human nature to act out of emotion, mindset, or their beliefs. Acknowledging the existence of emotional intelligence gives me power and, if you are still reading this blog post, I am going to give you one advice that will serve you for your lifetime…


You see, as I mentioned before, emotion is a pretty powerful tool that makes us do things we never even imagined doing! Like when you’re angry, for example, you might say things that you don’t really mean or that were not intended to hurt anyone. Anger was a drive for you to start a conflict when you never wanted it in the first place. Avoiding those kinds of situations, where emotion takes over your action, is simple: remind yourself of your initial goal. Do I want to start a fight? Do I want my friends to hate me for what I say? Do I want a sad end or a happily-ever-after? Trust me, once you have my advice stuck in your head, you will get out of life a lot more than if you were still clueless about emotional intelligence.



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