Project Week



Before departing on Project week, we had to go through a planning document to ensure that everything was planned and safe. Lucky we all wanted to do the same thing, therefore the planning went pretty smoothly. I planed the hotel which we stayed at, doing research into what areas where safe and practical for our activities and service. I coordinated the service soi dogs, sending emails back and forth. I coordinated with Mellissa, who worked at soi dogs, we ran into an issue here, as when we arrived at Phuket I sent another confirmation email to which I was surprised was Mellissa no longer worked there, this caused a challenge of us getting there, as she confirmed our pick up. We solved this by taking a local taxi to Soi dogs on the first day and confirmed with them there on the transportation. From this, I have learned that in the future I would email them prior to leaving.

I would say the biggest difficulty was our age, all of us being under 18 caused issues when checking into the hotel, as well as in soi dogs. But it was all resolved as for the hotel they called our parents which sorted it all out. And as for soi dogs, our age didn’t seem to matter when we got there, We just had to fill out the volunteering forms.



Project Week

During our project week, there were serval ethical implications of actions which I had to consider. To determine what is the right or wrong course of action. I faced ethical decision during the diving activity, as I was surrounded by beautiful corals, and aquatic life which I wanted to touch as it seemed interesting, new and I was naturally curious. But this imposed an ethical issue, as if I touched the corals I would get short term happiness, but I would be damaging the coral, and this causes a long-term effect of ruining our already fragile oceans. I based my decision on not touching the aquatic life, as in the long term effect I wouldn’t wanna do anything which further destroys our ocean if I had the choice.