Debate Club

Grade 11 Debate Club First Reflection

In this reflection, I would like to reflect on LO5 about the advantages of working collaboratively. The debate club is an activity that I and 3 other people decided to start as we had a common interest in debating and public speaking. It was a club that previously existed but due to no participation no longer existed and we took the initiative to start the activity up again. As we began planning the things that were needed to start the club up us working together smartly and efficiently was important as we were on a tight schedule to present an 8-week plan. In this time we also had to make preparation for all the teaching points, slideshows, and other teaching elements. This is where us working together efficiently was important. And a group we started allocating tasks to ensure that we met the deadlines and to complete the work to the best of our abilities. As the activity finally began it was time for us to put the work that we put in to use.

Grade 11 Debate Club Second Reflection

For this second reflection, I wanted to look at LO3 “Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience” For the debate club since I am one of the leaders, it is my responsibility to create fun and enjoyable activities and learning opportunities for the students. This was a bit of change for me as I was never really put into a spot where I had to create new and creative lessons for the students. This was a bit of a learning curve initially but I got the hang of it and was able to improve the quality of lessons over time.

Grade 12 Debate Club First Reflection

For this reflection, I wanted to reflect on my progress in LO1 “Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth” The start of this year’s debate was very good we got a far greater turnout in terms of the number of people. We were expecting a similar number from last year with around 8-10 people but we got almost 25 people. This was slightly overwhelming for me and that is the first area for growth. I want to grow as a public speaker where I am more confident in my ability to lead a larger group I think I can do this by simply throwing myself down the deep end and forcing myself to lead more sessions. However, one good thing was the preparation for the next few session were well thought out and well planned.

Grade 12 Debate Club Final Reflection

For this final reflection, I am going to reflect on LO5 again as I believe that I have made big changes and grown a lot in this area over the course of a year.  Firstly as we came to the end of our term as leaders we had to find new leaders from the grades below. We initially did this by sending out a form so that people in the club could indicate their interest. It was then upon us as a group to collaboratively watch the members for the last few sessions to decide on the final 4 who would lead the club going forward. Initially, there was a lot of back and forth on who would be chosen but as a group, we started to finally come to some conclusions. I believe this was because we had grown as leaders and were able to be on the same page over who had a greater understanding and had the right leadership skills to carry the club to greater heights.