MINDS Tampines

Minds Tampines First Reflection

This service was the first one I had done where I would directly be making an impact on people in need. I chose to sign-up for this service as I felt I would be able to help my community in the most direct way. The main goal of this activity is to try and engage with a community that is not able to. get adequate support. We aim to try and engage them in physical and mental exercises to ensure that they are becoming more comfortable around people and challenging tasks so that they are prepared for the future when will have to get a job. This activity helped me grow in LO3 as every week we are going to plan activities that we are going to share with the local service center and try and engage their community. Currently, we are planning our first activity for them which is quite challenging. as they are usually a group of people with learning and physical disabilities which means we need to be able to communicate our activities effectively through to the this requires us to ensure these activities are straightforward and simple so they are able to follow along with us.

Minds Tampines Final Reflection

Now after a few months of doing this service, I feel more settled in and I feel like that we are now doing more work and are able o send more activities to minds. In this reflection, I want to reflect on LO6, the one about engagement with the global issue. Over the course of the past few months, I have been learning about the issues that have been facing the disabled in a hard time like covid. We are pushed to our limits trying to create activities where they will feel engaged and keep them safe at the same time. I also feel that other this period of time I have become more aware of the hardships that the differently able face in our society, especially in Singapore a country that strives for economic efficiency, the country see’s them as inefficient which means that most of the time they are not allowed to work in well-paying jobs. This has made me realize that we should aim to allow all people to have the same economic opportunities as everyone else as a physical ability should not define their ability in our society. I believe that my actions have allowed the people at MINDS to enjoy their time together as they feel like one when they are doing our activities and following our instructions, I think it makes them feel accepted as we are attempting to help them. When I compare this to my home country of India, the situation is far worse as in many cases families who cannot afford to support people with disabilities tend to be left on their own, and because many times they do not fend for themselves they end up becoming homeless. This is a situation that needs to figure out immediately and the government needs to do something about it.

Minds Tampines Additional Reflection

In this relefction I wanted to look back at the decicions and choices I made during my time at MINDS specifically from the perspective of LO7. I witnessed the problems with the singaporean outlook on differently abled people, a outlook which I believed to be unethical as the country is striving for peak efficency without consderation that there are people who need support and are unable to keep up with the wants