ELP Entry Advertising

In this photograph we can see two advertisements for the same product structure in a similar fashion. On the left we can see a man in a suit holding a packaging with the message saying ‘bin your litter’, and we can see a the same message and position on the female side. The difference, however, […]


ELP Entry Top Girls

Explain how Churchill uses language to establish a particular character’s identity, class, or social status. First decide on a character, then analyse the specific language selected by Churchill for this particular character. Include direct quotes and dramatic techniques. Remember to consider both representation and identity in your response. Respond in paragraph form. Churchill uses the […]


Empathy (Ms. Monopoly)

Recently, Hasbro released a board game titled ‘Ms. Monopoly’, which is supposed to represent a female version of the classic board game ‘Mr. Monopoly’. However, in this version of the game the female characters/players get an extra 40 dollars when passing through GO, demonstrating inequality within the game. Many people were displeased by this new […]


Humour in Political Cartoons

How, and to what extent, can humour be used to convey a truth? Political cartoons are often humorous and use comedy to portray a real life issue. Humorous value can contribute to a dark topic to take large ideas and compress them down into something more relatable and understandable. However, there are limitations, such as […]



Representation in Text People are affected through texts by interpretation and understanding of what is written. There is no one fixed interpretation of a passage, text or piece of literature: whatever the reader makes of it will form an opinion on the subject. The understanding can be influenced by social connections (ie. people/book groups) and […]


ELP Entry

Victor Turner was a Scottish Anthropologist who claimed that symbols are multi vocal. That is, symbols (or texts) have many (potential) meanings. Q: Accepting this claim, what is the significance of a single text having many meanings?   A: The significance of something having having more than one meaning is to open up discussions and to provide […]