HS #RACE (1st Reflection)


I am part of HS #RACE activity which happens during lunch time on Wednesdays. When I first heard about the activity from my friends in the boarding house, I knew right away that I would definitely sign up for this activity. I love going to HS #RACE a lot so far because it it exactly what I am interested in discussing. As an activity  group, we have done a lot of discussions about global issues specifically about race, identity, culture, and different perspectives and understandings of people. Our first session focussed on identity. We were all allowed to share our personal experiences and thoughts about other cultures by given the paper to write about out first thoughts of one another’s identity, nationality, home country, etc. I found the first activity interesting although it could be offensive for some people somehow when being told they are from a country they are not. However, the activity was really fun and it went well, we all knew each other and made friends. Sessions after the first session,  started to actually learn a lot from the discussions by speaking and voicing out my opinions on the issues we discussed as well as listening and respecting others’ opinions. Most of the discussions we have had so far are very useful and interesting that I can actually understand them and talk about them outside classrooms and be educated. At the same time, I learned to talk about some topics in the right time that will not make others fell offended in any ways. I learned to respect other people better and develop me thinkings and ways or perception towards thing that are happening in our society and learn to be a good global citizen. #LO7 #LO2 #LO1 #LO3

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