Healthserve for migrant workers – Overall reflection for season 1 and 2

This local service of Healthserve for migrant workers has reached its turning point or more clearly the second one. Although its name remains unchanged, the organization we work with is no longer the same.  Due to change of person in charge in Healthserve, this service with them had to be terminated.  This is what I call the first turning point of this service. This kind of interruption should not exist but did not come as a complete surprise.  Up to the time when my second reflection was written, I used to have a positive feeling about the future of this service. A lot of planning has been done and we really want to kick-start our plans, while we could feel the change in attitude in our partner. As a result of this unfortunate event, our plan remains as written words on paper.  However, with the help of our supervisors, new potential partners were listed and we decided to not change our target group of migrant workers (or migrant brother, a little gift from the Healthserve).  The Migrant Worker’s Centre, which was suggested by me, has been chosen. Theoretically,  the name of Healthserve for migrant workers should be changed at that time.

The working experience with  MWC began at really a high note, as evidently shown in this first meeting with their stuff, MWC is more professional, more passionate and more effective in dealing with the issue migrant workers encounter. MWC has a clear idea of what they are doing and what they can do (reflecting on their close relationship with the Singapore government), in order for us to understand them more, we were invited to their centre for a visit.  I have read their previous student experience with many local schools and thus being quite surprised when they shared us their real need.  Before the visit, we made modifications to our old plans of sport and game events and studied for the law-related issues commonly faced by the migrant workers (covered in employment act) they gave us.  Due to some unknown reasons (at least to me), MWC was more demanding towards us compared to the local schools they used to work with. It has become clear that sports events, game carnivals and all these kind of help were not wanted by them, they wanted us to help them man the helpline.  This core of our service has never changed but the mean was demanded to change. Have we the ability to man the helpline? Have we the time to man the helpline? Have we the right to man the helpline?  To answer questions of those desperate migrant workers by giving suggestions which come from a group of barely trained Grade 11 students yet so significant to even change their even their families life, does not seem right to me. This stress gets built up when the importance of our advice has been again emphasized by the MWC. Another issue with it is that the time they wanted us to man the helpline is either night during weekdays or weekends, which I would consider too intense for me as an IB student who will be sending university application this year.  This misunderstanding between them and us has again stopped the progress of our service.  Considering my current need for academic study, I am aware that I may not able to have the time to sharpen and knowledge in the area of employment law to give my advise confidently, so better not to do so.

As been brought out by my supervisors, it is time to rethink about this service and I have made the thoughtful decision to change my service. My skill set and experience of the previous service will empower me to make a larger impact on the sector of caring for elderly where I am confident. Having said that, the long (almost two sessions of) preparation for a service, understanding the issue of migrant workers and the meaning of responsibility and making ethic decisions will be with me even after I leave this service.

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethical implications of choices and actions.