One of my strengths in acting is my voice – I feel like I have a powerful voice and that my articulation is always very good. I think I can usually get a real sense of my character – I am able to understand them, and I can characterize accordingly, delivering lines a certain way or glancing in a particular direction. Additionally, I have a real presence on stage. I try to always have lots of energy; not necessarily fast-paced, but rather always with a good stance and facial expressions.

I want to improve on movement a bit more – sometimes I pace, and I want to work on having purposeful movement. Every look or step should have a reason, and I want to try and portray my character even clearer so the audience really feels as though I am my character, and they have a sophisticated, multi-dimensional view of who I am playing. The audience should be able to explain why I make my decisions and what they show about my character.