The Fish Tank Project-LO7


Stages 3 and 4 of CAS

3. Action- Ongoing experiences – doing them!

4. Reflection

Over the summer the fish tank was built. Because I was coming in to school to go to the gym, I saw the whole process. It ended up being much bigger than expected and the LED lights in the tank made the coral look really cool. I was also really happy with the small section below the tank. We are using that to grow more coral, because with global warming the coral reefs in our ocean are threatened.

Unfortunately, when we first released the tank, we received  lot of backlash. People thought it was really unethical, and a waste of tuition. However, once I talked to the head of service and started explaining the ethical considerations and how the project was funded, people realized that it was a good investment and understood how it helped raise awareness about the threats to our coral reefs because of global warming.

Now that the fish tank has been set up an has been a part of the cafeteria for the 9 months, I had seen the positive impact it has had on students wellbeing. I think other students have also been able to see how it is an effective tool to educate and inspire young students at our school  to take action to conserve our oceans


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