Reflecting on the Fish Tank

Stage 5 of CAS

5. Demonstration- Consolidate your understanding and growth

Looking back, I think I put in a lot more effort and time into this project than what was expected of me. I made sure that all the opinions of our different team members were heard, including the younger, shyer middle school students. However, I think that I could’ve been more involved in the decision making on higher levels. What I mean by this is I wish that I was more involved in the decisions that were made by the service department and the teachers in charge. I think that looking back, if I had been more assertive, they would’ve have let me be more involved in making the bigger decisions, and I think we could’ve communicated/marketed the project better, and then we would have avoided all the initial backlash. Moving forward, I now know the importance of voicing your opinion and being assertive.

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