Kahaani Dance Rehearsals

LO 5 Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

Last year in my Grade 10 experiences, I partook in the Kahaani Dance which is an Indian cultural performance put forth by the Kolkata GC in an attempt to raise awareness for the issues that they avidly advocate for as well as raise funds for those they support. As a means of supporting said same issues and conveying my utmost agreement with the advocacy of the GC, I have decided to partake in this activity once again. In terms of developing and demonstrating collaborative skills, I feel as though this activity is an extremely pro-active experience in helping me achieve this development. The activity entails learning a dance sequence based off of a story, that you will then work towards performing for the span of 3 months. This includes working with dance leaders, GC leaders, teachers as well as peers that you may not have had exposure to. In particular, within my dance – being one whereby there are students from 3 different grades – I have to connect with and be able to collaborate with people that I may not be comfortable with as dance is quite an intimate experience.  Being a partner dance, as well as one in which the end goal is to convey a message, this performance end goal provides incentive for those involved to work collaboratively together. Being quite a strenuous and arduous process in the past, I can see that this process will – this year – take tolls in the same manner. Additionally, I believe that because there is a certain level of hierarchy within the system of this experience (namely dance leaders, teachers and then those learning and performing), this can act as a hinderance of collaboration; however, with the end goal of a performance as well as a Global concern behind the experience I feel as though it will motivate those involved to develop skills on co-operation and help us see the advantages of increased collaboration.

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