MUN Training

LO 6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Every Wednesday I engage in Model United Nations as a weekly experience. This experience entails me taking on the role of a trainer of the Intermediate 2 group of our Model United Nations club, and preparing the students within this group for future conferences. This includes looking through previous United Nations resolutions that have passed on issues that we may be discussing during that training session, the creation of resolutions on current or past affairs as well as simple debate on the issues and resolutions at hand. Having done this activity for a few years now as well as being well into this activity already in my IB career, I am aware of the challenges that this issue gives way to. I feel, however, that these challenges are extremely constructive towards the betterment of my personal knowledge and ability to cater and tailor day-to-day conversation to become increasingly interesting and in regards to prevalent global issues.

These challenges, namely that of not being aware of all issues that I may need to inform my delegates about or that I may not be well versed in procedure of certain MUN committees pertaining to specific conferences, only helps me or motivates me to stay in a constant state of engagement with areas of global pertinence, which to me are important in terms of my school work as well considering I take subjects such as HL Langlit, Econs and History which are all subjects where international affairs are avidly debated and discussed.


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