Kahaani Reflection 2019-2020

LO 6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This year’s participation in Kahaani is probably the most proud that I have felt of myself throughout my CAS experiences. Not only was this the final aspect of CAS, as well as my action portion of CAS but it was also such an amalgamation of everything that UWC has taught me to embody. Alongside the general CAS requirements, Kahaani also works with Voice of World in Kolkata to cater to differently abled people and this is something that I am very grateful to have been a part of as I engaged greatly with issues of global significance. Through the numerous dance rehearsals and working with people from my grade as well as others, we were constantly informed by the Kolkata GC of the impact that Kahaani had on Voice of World. Additionally with the Voice of World participants joining us on the day with theirĀ  own performances it taught me to appreciate what I have more and be more aware of the impact that our school, our actions and the arts have on the world. 3b9cc5b1-4d93-4df1-aa06-a78ee30ea809


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