World Refugee Day is June 20th, and UWCSEA East is inviting you to join us as we dedicate a day of learning to advocacy, action, and awareness.

Today during lunch, we kickstarted the event with two speakers.

Sovichea, one of our grade 11 Scholars at UWCSEA East, originally from Cambodian reflected on the story of his grandmother’s experience as a refugee, “..farming rice 12 hours a day, this doesn’t help her as all she gets as her daily meal is a small bowl of rice.”

“After being relocated during the regime…you don’t know where your families are…the best hope you have is to go back to your hometown.”

Sovichea’s story unpacked the complicated history of Cambodia, and allowed the audience to view it from a micro perspective whilst hinting at the macro-complexity.  To learn more about the history, this resource is useful.

And what did his grandmother find upon return?

“All that is left is three out of ten siblings that she had.”

Why is his story important?

“With all the other Cambodians, they live out of this: having this in mind, these atrocities, and never wanting it again.”

What can you do?

Join us, Tuesday on campus, or watch this space for ongoing updates.

Has Sovichea’s story inspired you to make a donation? Click here to find out how.


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