CAS Reflections

Final CAS Interview

CAS Interview #3 

CAS Reflections

Psychology Club – Overall Reflection

This year, I joined the High School Psychology Club. I am applying to Psychology as my major for university so I thought that it would be a good idea to gain some supplementary time discussing the wide branches of the discipline with other passionate students in joining this club. It was fun to engage with the content and kindle new connections through being united by a common interest. It pushed me to think and consider new or unique ideas under the discipline and for that, I am glad to have been a part of the group. I think that being part of Psychology Club generally pushed me out of my comfort zone to some degree in talking about more nuanced or stigmatised areas within Psychology regarding criminal or abnormal psychology. I have truly enjoyed being part of this activity.

CAS Reflections

Culturama Guatemala and Ecuador – Final reflection

In my final year of High School, I joined Culturama again but for a different country: Guatemala/Ecuador. The process of putting the performance together was fun through the element of collaboration as a collective. As a spanish-learner of 6 years or so, getting to dance to music in a language that I’ve come to enjoy engaging with was a pleasant experience. Some challenges were encountered with organising the timelines of learning the dances and not lagging behind on the performance with other commitments, but overall, lots of time and passion was at the heart of the dance. Through this experience I made new connections across the high school and I learned more about two cultures different to my own. It was truly a valuable experience being part of Culturama 2023. I will remember this as I move on from UWCSEA.

Activity CAS Reflections

Project Week 2023 Reflection

Planning and then undertaking the voyage of Project Week was an incredibly rewarding and exciting experience. We spent 5 to 6 months filling out our planning document and meeting with our supervisor and Agi for support. Throughout this time, there were moments when we fell behind or feared missing certain deadlines. There were also some issues with work distribution and remaining organised amid our group’s other academic commitments. However, in the end, our trip came together. I do think that the planning paid off in terms of having a clear itinerary and flight schedule. Although I would say that throughout the rest of the trip, our instructors from the provider we chose otherwise took responsibility for us which meant that we did not have to be too self sufficient. We had a fantastic time doing activities in Langkawi, Malaysia such as: kayaking, trekking and biking. Over the course of our 5 days in Langkawi, I learned about teamwork and resilience through collaborating with the members of my group and the other teams that went on the trip to Langkawi. As we did our activities, there were moments when our physical capabilities were tested and some individuals were faster than others; meaning that we weren’t always working in harmony. But through teamwork, we continued to function as a collective and support one another as we faced our own difficulties. Overall, it was a fun experience that taught me how to be independent through being responsible for myself and booking flights for example.


El Mundo de Moda en TikTok

Reseña de los influencers de moda de TikTok: 

tranding dz and univers on Twitter: "Fashion Time : The model Magno scavo: ______ #magno_scavo #magnoscavo #fashion #fashionhistory #fashionblogger" / Twitter

Los Influencers, Magno Scavo (a la izquierda) y Sandra Mob (a la derecha)



TikTok es una aplicación con una gran variedad de contenido en la forma de videos cortos. Una parte popular de Tiktok sería los videos de moda sobre como vestirse bien o para dar inspiraciones de estilos.

Un ejemplo de  un influencer de moda en Tiktok es Magno Scavo con 10.8 millones de seguidores. Scavo sube videos casi todos los días mostrando su vida diaria mientras lleva ropa con estilo. A Scavo le gusta grabar videos de su preparación para el día duchando, afeitando y vestiendo. Magno Scavo da muchas ideas para vestirse y emparejar ropa adecuadamente. Normalmente en sus videos, lleva una camisa con pantalones de vestir y un blazer. La intención de los video de Scavo es parecer genial con tomas de él caminando lento mientras música guay está poniendo. 

Otro influencer de moda en esta aplicación es Sandra Mob con 377.6 miles de seguidores. En contraste con Magno Scavo, Mob pública videos sólo mensualmente. A Mob le gusta hablar de tendencias de moda populares en la sociedad actual como por ejemplo el uso de las faldas de tenis. Mob provee sus opiniones sobre estas tendencias. Adicionalmente, también habla de eventos recientes en la cultura popular como los Grammys y los estilos que las estrellas llevaron cuando aparecieron en la alfombra roja o la moda de personajes en películas o series de televisión. 

Entre los dos influencers, suben videos muy distinguidos a sí mismos. Magno Scavo suele hacer videos trata de su propia moda y como parecer a la moda mientras Sandra Mob se enfoque en dar comentarios sobre la cultura de moda hoy en día especialmente con respecto a los Estados Unidos en Hollywood. Scavo tiene más seguidores que Mob y una audiencia más leal. Mob no sube videos con mucha frecuencia y en general, recibe menos me gusta en cada de sus videos. Mob sólo muestra su propia moda cuando hay una ocasión especial como Halloween donde da inspiraciones para disfraces. 

En conclusión, creo que es más interesante ver los videos de Sandra Mob para entender sus puntos de vista sobre muchos temas en moda que también me interesan. Pero por lo general, comprendo porque Magno Scavo tiene una audiencia muy grande porque sus videos son predecibles y fáciles de verlos. A Scavo, recomiendo que intente hablar más en sus videos para conectar más con sus seguidores. Yo aconsejaría a Sandra Mob que deba subir videos con más frecuencia para fomentar seguidores más consistentes. Los videos de Magno Scavo habrían mejorado si hubiera incluido consejos también de moda a parte de dar inspiraciones. Para Sandra Mob, sus videos habrían sido más enganchados si hubiera usado una manera de grabar videos más dinámicos como Magno Scavo con tomas muy fascinantes. Por lo general, si te gustara conseguir nuevas ideas para vestirse formal, deberías ver los videos de Magno Scavo. Pero si disfrutaras de los comentarios de un experto de moda, verías el contenido de Sandra Mob.  

CAS Reflections

CAS overall reflection

A year of CAS in Grade 11 has been rewarding and exciting. I have partaken in a myriad of activities that have developed my pre-existing skills whilst also learning new ones. I have developed my critical thinking, creativity and commitment to care through participating in a variety of activities. One highlight of the year was participating in the activity ‘Voices’ where I got to write and perform spoken word poetry advocating for action against gender based violence. Gaining involvement in this work helped me build on my creativity as I considered different creative approaches to honing my poetic skills and how best to represent the stories we were telling through the medium. In addition, I also promoted my resilience through summing up the confidence to perform the pieces for an audience of around 50. I faced some stage fright, but I came out of the experience feeling inspired by seeing the range of community who had gathered together to listen to our groups’ voices.

Furthermore, I have also developed my leadership through cultivating a community in my service Trashion where I am one of the main leaders. I showed my commitment to care through devoting time every Monday after school to listen to the group for ideas, communicate with the service office to coordinate events and also learn how to sew as our mission as a service was to promote slow fashion methods. Enhancing my ability to organize and collaborate through service positively impacted my interpersonal skills; I have become empowered and more confident through gaining opportunities to lead in school.

A final highlight was also dancing for Culturama and Kahaani to which I formed new friendships across High School through the power of collaboration whilst also learning more about new cultures.

I am grateful to have made new connections across campus through improving upon my outreach and collaboration whilst also developing my leadership skills through working on my organisation and creativity with brainstorming unique solutions to any issues encountered during service. Included above is a photo from before my group performance as part of Bersama during the Class of 2023 Graduation at the NUS Cultural Centre. It was a fantastic closure to my year of activities and service in school through culminating my hard work with other members of Bersama to present a thoughtful and gentle performance.

CAS Reflections

2nd CAS interview

CAS Interview #2


Transformation of Text: Antigone, Antigone and Home Fire

Considering our recent texts of interest: the Greek play Antigone by Sophocles, the French play Antigone as well by Jean Anouillh and Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie; each of the texts can be compared and contrasted in a variety of ways.

One interesting point to focus on is the contexts in which each of the texts were produced and how they impacted the ultimate messages conveyed by the writers. For example, Sophocles wrote the original Antigone in 441 BC in ancient Greece during a period, ‘bookended by turmoil, from wars to revolts’ according to Court Theatre. Essentially, during this period, there was skepticism regarding the rule of potentially authoritarian leaders causing the political instability. This informed Sophocles’ depiction of Creon in his original playwright as an exploration of the psyche behind cruel leaders with a desire to establish grand control and create chaos.

On the other hand, Anouillh premiered his retelling of Antigone in 1944 around the time of the second world war. Anouillh’s intention behind his interpretation of Antigone was centered more on the French resistance against fascist leaders like Hitler; interestingly, the equivalent of the fascist leader in Anouillh’s Antigone, Creon, is depicted as more rational and less of a tyrant than in Sophocles’ version which is fascinating given the similar focus on exploration of almost dictatorships.

And then, in Shamsie’s version, there is grounding in the contemporary 21st century context exploring a more specific setting regarding British-Pakistanis. Shamsie is critical again of Karamat Lone who is a mirror of other depictions of Creon, but instead explores this through the lens of race and religious relations.

Returning again to Anouillh’s retelling as well, unlike in Shamsie and Sophocles’ depictions, he makes Antigone seem more foolish and naive unlike with Sophocles and Shamsie who portray the central character as a martyr and heroic figure. This comes back to the literary intentions of Anouillh given his historical context to somewhat critique those going against the French resistance unlike Sophocles and Shamsie who are more skeptical of the people in the positions of power causing instability and turmoil.

Coming to the idea of femininity, I find it interesting how in Sophocles’ version, women are matriarchal in the sense that the men feel their power over them whereas in Anouillh’s retelling, the women are painted less in this light. Shamsie’s retelling also adds an interesting spin to the narrative by exploring the implications of Aneeka’s relation to Eamonn in a contemporary world where women face slut-shaming. Shamsie’s incorporation of different text types within the novel like newspaper extracts powerfully calls forward the modern day connotations that sometimes are relevant to womanhood.

CAS Reflections Service Trashion EI

Trashion – Speaking to the Grade 4s

Recently in Trashion, my co-leader Amelia and I got to give a presentation to a group of grade 4s about sustainability in Fashion. We informed them with some key facts about the environmental impacts of fast fashion and how they could combat this issue themselves. It was a pleasant experience that got me to think more about my purpose in the EI and why our work matters. The grade 4s were curious and excited to learn from us which made me more grateful for having had the opportunity to give this talk. It was a little nervewrecking but it was definitely a moment of growth for me in my advocacy. It reaffirmed my commitment to care and compassion within the school community.


How does the meaning and impact of texts change over time?

Through studying both Antigone and Home Fire, I have come to understand that a lot is lost but also preserved between retellings. Specifically, I would say that ultimately, the core values and meanings within the text were kept such as the theme of loyalty to the state vs. family. I do think that Shamsie changed certain meanings and impacts within the text through differently developed characterisations within Home Fire. Most notably, with Karamat Lone and his parallels to Creon. I find it interesting how at the end of Antigone, Sophocles explores the guilt and shame that Creon feels about the fate of his son and wife. Creon takes accountability for his wrongdoing; although too late. However in Home Fire, Shamsie made the creative decision to end the novel with just the death of Eamonn and Aneeka. There is no mention past this moment of Lone’s reaction to the death. The effect of this choice was to me, a less nuanced character and also less understanding for Lone. Creon’s final guilt humanises him and portrays him as just another flawed individual with a greater magnitude of mistakes. Lone does have a moment of self realization too wherein he agrees to attend to Eamonn and attempt to make amends upon realising his mistakes. However, I believe that the shock of realizing the true consequences of his actions through witnessing the death of his own son would have been an even more humanizing moment like in Antigone with Creon. The element of karma would have made Home Fire seem more like a fable or cautionary tale as with Antigone.

Although, both characters do ultimately share the same wholly unshakeable and disgreeable stance throughout the novel. Both men remain firm in their choice to prevent any proper burial for Parvaiz/Polynices but also don’t put a stop to their sons to running off to Aneeka/Antigone; eventually resulting in the respective deaths. This is exemplified by comparing two extracts from Antigone and Home Fire. Both texts show Karamat/Creon acting stubborn and therefore, having to pay for the costs of their actions.

Another interesting point to consider is the increased emphasis on feminist themes within Antigone with some references as well in Home Fire. It is fascinating to recognize Sophocles’ acknowledgment of gender roles and the role of a woman in society through Antigone even in 441 BCE. This is particularly notable in the ways in which Creon speaks about Antigone to Haemon as someone of whom he should not be into the ‘traps’ of given her womanhood and societal inferiority in the traditional context. Karamat Lone does degrade Aneeka as well to a degree in Home Fire but more in the context of modern-day shaming. In criticizing Eamonn for his loyalty to Aneeka, he asks him to not, “develop a spine.” insinuating that Eamonn is weak at the knees of Aneeka. Lone also asks Eamonn, “Did she give you your first really great blow job, Eamonn? Is that what this is about? Because trust me, there are better ones out there.” essentially degrading Aneeka and her sexuality in the process. The impact of Shamsie’s written dialogue between Karamat Lone and Eamonn is a more modern, contextualized view of feminism.