What do I want to achieve by the end of Grade 9?

By the end of grade 9, I want to achieve independence. I would like to be able to work both in a group and individually. I think this is important as it prevents habits such as procrastination and improves my self management. This is a very significant skill to have as it teaches a person how to manage work, stress and time on their own. At the moment, I would say that sometimes I am more comfortable working in a partnership or a group. I do not consider this to be a negative thing, however learning to work efficiently on my own would be very beneficial for me and my work ethic.

By the end of the year I would also like to be able to balance my social, academic and sports life efficiently. In the past years this has been quite stressful for me. Even though I have been able to find time for all areas, it can still be challenging to focus on all an equal amount. If I am able to easily balance all areas by the end of the year it would take a lot of weight off my shoulders and make me happier in general.

My grade 9 journey timeline:

My grade 9 journey-28zrkly

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