What Musician is the Voice of our Generation?

The concept of music is something which is valued across the entire globe. People listen to music for pleasure, to take a break from reality and for so many other reasons. There are currently many well known artists around the world which have played a big part in the lives of the newer generations. Some of these artists act as role models for many people, some are able to produce music which is relatable to many people and allows these people to understand more about themselves. It is hard to choose one musician to represent one whole generation because everyone has different taste in music and different songs and artists they can connect to, however, I have managed to choose one artist of many who is the voice of our generation.

One of the musicians who I believe represents our generation is Abel Tesfaye, more commonly known as The Weeknd. Abel is a Canadian singer, songwriter, and record producer.

As one of the most listened to artist in todays day and age, he is viewed as a huge icon by the newer generations. He produces songs which many people are able to relate to about deeper topics such as love, depression, happiness and more. Some examples of these songs are ‘Call out my name’, ‘I feel it coming’ and ‘Often’. Many people listen to this music to help them with the difficulties they are facing.


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