Boomerang Bags – Year 2

For my Grade 10 service, I have decided to rejoin Boomerang Bags. The main reason I did this was because as I mentioned last year, I am passionate about acting against the problem of plastic pollution. Being a student at UWC, I am well aware of the issue and the effects plastic pollution has on the environment and existing ecosystems. I believe it to be one of the most colossal issues the world is facing today when speaking about its environment. Saying this, I believe there are very manageable methods which anybody can adopt to reduce their plastic consumption. One of them being to replace single use plastic bags with reusable ones. Plastic bags have grown to become an essential part of many people’s daily lives. Although they are cheap, useful and very easily accessible, they are very damaging to our environment. Most plastic bags are used for a couple of minutes and then thrown away. If reusable bags were as accessible, it would be extremely easy for people to use them as an alternative to plastic bags. This is why Boomerang Bags is very relevant and useful. They make reusable bags accessible for anyone to use.

I like to be involved in Boomerang Bags because not only does it inspire me to be more sustainable in my every day life but it also teaches people an easy way to decrease single use plastic consumption. I enjoy the process of making the bags with my friends and the new people I meet, especially when I know the bags we produce will make a difference and hopefully influence more sustainable behaviour amongst the people involved in our community. This year I hope I can make new friends within my service and with them make a large number of bags and contribute to the elimination of plastic bags.

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