Reflection 2: Football

I am around halfway through the football season and I have just about gotten used to the new rules and regulations regarding COVID. For the first time, we are not able to travel overseas or even compete against other schools in Singapore. At first, I saw this to be a major set back as I have always found competing the most exciting aspect of sport. Competing against other teams and schools allows me to showcase determination, passion and team spirit thus it was difficult to have this taken away.

After having time to think, I came to terms with the new circumstances and realised that there is actually a lot to be grateful for. Although we are no longer allowed to compete, we are still allowed to train which is a gift in itself, considering just a few months ago this was forbidden. Furthermore, dedicating all of our time to training poses the opportunity to become closer as a team and best prepare us for future years, in which we will hopefully be able to compete again. Because we are only allowed to train in groups of 5, we have been able to focus more on individual skill training which has been very beneficial for me as a footballer. This enables me to recognise my strengths and what specific skills I should focus on improving. I have noticed improvements in my personal skill as a result of this. Training in small groups has allowed me to become a lot closer with my teammates, and these groups change every week so we can all stay connected with one another.

The atmosphere of football training is very lively and spirited and something which I look forward to. Thus far, I haven’t had a problem with finding time for my football, school and social life. I work by a schedule that allows me to manage my school tasks and keep track of due dates. If anything, football has helped me with my school work as it contributes to a calm and collected mind. Throughout the rest of the season, I hope to continue showing dedicated commitment and perseverance when faced with a challenge, as well as strengthen my personal football skills. Having my teammates and coaches by my side has made these difficult circumstances much easier to adapt to as I am reminded that I am not in this alone.

During the school football season, I have also been training for my football club, JSSL, outside of school. Altogether, I train 4 times a week. Something I have found to be very helpful for myself and my school team is introducing drills I practise with my JSSL team to my school team. I have a close enough relationship with my school coach to comfortably suggest some drills we can pursue in training. My teammates and coaches have shown gratitude for these drills as they allow us to mix up what we do in training and practise a range of skills.

Chosen learning outcomes to focus on:

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

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