The Great Gatsby Chapter 4

What are the details of Gatsby’s ‘constructed past’?

That Gatsby was a part of a wealthy family, who came from the Midwest in San Francisco specifically. According to Gatsby, they died therefore Gatsby inherited their wealth. After that Gatsby starts to mentions all achievements and accolades he has accomplished in his life, such as his participation in the first world war and becoming promoted to a major, being educated at Oxford, and having traveled to the capitals of Europe.

What role does Wolfsheim play in this chapter?

In this chapter, Wolfsheim is seen to be really shady and suspicious by the way he is acting. For example, when they were seated down at the table Wolfsheim was looking around the room all the time trying to inspect people as if he had been looking for someone.

What is the significance of cars that pass Nick and Gatsby as they cross the bridge?

There is a juxtaposition, as there is a hearse passing by with a dead body in it to represent death, but there are still other cars that pass by to show that wealth is still present and actually overrules anything else, even death.

Review Jordan’s account of Daisy’s past. What contradictions and questions emerge from this.

According to Jordan Baker, before Daisy got married to Tom, she fell in love with Jay Gatsby, when he was part of the military. In 1917 when Gatsby had to leave for war, she ended up marrying Tom and has since then been loyal to him. She ended up not being interested in men from the military anymore

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