The Great Gatsby: Chapters 6 and 7

Examine the detail on pp 94-97: what are the details of Gatsby’s past and his “singularly appropriate education.”

Jay Gatsby’s original name was James Gatz, and he was originally from North Dakota. He met a man named Dan Cody and became his apprentice. He learned a lot from Dan Cody and really admired his wealth. When Dan Cody died, Gatsby motivated himself to become a successful man like Dan Cody.

What does the end of Chapter 6 reveal about the way in which Gatsby thinks of the past, the future and Daisy?

That Gatsby isn’t willing to give up on his dream to be with Daisy, as he thinks everything can become like how it was in the past. Even Nick tried to change his mind by telling him things can’t go back to how they were in the past, while Gatsby keeps implying that it is possible.

What detail in this chapter signals the end of Gatsby’s spell as Trimalchio?

This can be seen through Gatsby not hosting parties anymore as he realizes that Daisy doesn’t enjoy them. Tom also reveals about Gatsby’s bootlegging business which causes Daisy to lose interest towards Gatsby. From this chapter, the novel starts to take a dark turn.

What links are made between detail here and previous detail in the narrative?

We can see how the novel has taken a dark turn from the differences of detail from the current narrative to the previous one. The yellow car can be seen to symbolize death in this part of the novel, and Wilson’s neighbour Michaelis, told the policeman he was talking to that the color of the car was green.

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