What aspects of CAS are you looking forward to? // How might you plan your year of CAS in order to maintain balance?

What aspects of CAS are you looking forward to?

  • I’m looking forward to trying new things and venturing out of my comfort zone when it comes to choosing what I want to do for CAS. I also look forward to meeting new people and fostering new friendships through CAS as well. Not just that but I also think CAS will be a good way for me to learn how to be more committed to the things I do.

How might you plan your year of CAS in order to maintain balance?

  • First and foremost, I need to plan my time properly so as to reduce rushing to reach deadlines and stressing myself out. However, I want to spread my commitments out evenly at the same time so I don’t feel bombarded with CAS and stress myself out like I would if I procrastinated on my tasks.
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