CAS Reflection – Yoga Therapy with Tampines MINDS LO2


LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been taken, developing new skills in the progress.

I joined the service Yoga with Tampines MINDS so I could try something out of my comfort zone, I try not to think too much of what I do when I am in these instances, I just try to push myself towards the finish line whenever I am faced with a situation I am unsure about. I think a challenge that I had to overcome was getting used to the fact that I was interacting with people who had learning difficulties. It was a challenge as I had never been exposed to the stigmas and stereotypes that come with interacting with people who have learning difficulties and experiencing it first hand was quite jarring. It was also a challenge learning how to effectively communicate with our clients. Through learning how to communicate with our clients, I have learnt to be more patient. Individuals with learning difficulties may learn yoga poses and general instructions at a different pace from us, while it is hard to slow down a bit so you can get accustomed to their pace, it has taught me to respect that not everyone can do things at the same pace and that just because we aren’t exposed to people of a different pace, does not mean they don’t exist.

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