Six-Word Stories


While the challenge was overall quite difficult, I actually found it really enjoyable. It was a new experience having to write as little words as possible compared to the usual as much as you can. I personally found the story-tweet easier compared to the 6-word story. I think one of the reasons that we were given this challenge was to teach us to summarize. I commonly make the mistake of doing run-on sentences. While I do like to write as much I can, I do not want it to be exhausting for others to read. To be honest, I think my story does not need any extra words. I feel that if I had done so, the story would have lost its flow due to the excessive detail.


“A mask of confidence hides fear” by Arshia definitely peaked my interest. I think this is to express even how confident one may be, we are all fighting for acceptance and to be part of the crowd. Many people may see this from other perspectives based on their past experiences which can affect how they interpret it.


I think Vedika’s story-tweet should be tweeted out