Picture that describes how your skills are developing // How do you feel about it?

NHRDN - Mumbai Chapter What contributes to the increasing complexity of change

This picture describes how my skills are developing in the sense that I am improving with the help of my peers. My peers help me develop my skills in physical terms and also offer me support in emotional terms. I feel that my skills have been on an upward slope since the beginning of IB since I’ve essentially stopped caring about what other people think of the activities I join and I’m finally doing things I actually enjoy. I feel more confident which helps me develop my skills at a faster pace. Hopefully, this trend continues and I can come out of IB with a set of useful skills.


Image Citation:

NHRDNMUMBAI. “What contributes to the increasing complexity of change.” Illustration. nhrdnmumbai.com, 27 Mar. 2017, nhrdnmumbai.com/what-contributes-to-the-increasing-complexity-of-change/. Accessed 30 Sept. 2019.