Political Cartoon Analysis – Our Own

Our cartoon displays a celebrity, Ellen DeGeneres, standing outside of a lavish mansion with trees and an ornate fountain. There are two tables by her, one with a bowl of fruit and one with a bowl of toilet paper. This cartoon has two captions, one being “The Ellen Show, on QUARANTINE!”, and the other being “The Trials & Tribulations of Celebrities in Quarantine”, with the word ‘quarantine’ in a box with bars to mimic a jail cell.

There is also a line of dialogue, in which Ellen says “It’s just like being in jail!”, a satirical statement to parody her actual comments when she passively compared quarantine to being in a jail cell. We decided to bring this to light in this cartoon, as a lot of celebrities are complaining about being stuck inside during this difficult time period, even though most of them live in lavish houses worth millions of dollars, have access to apt supplies (no need to panic buy) and oftentimes they have more space than they need. There are some people who are living in a one-bedroom apartment, having to work from their kitchen counter in order to make ends meet, so that they don’t run out of supplies.

The feedback that we received from our cartoon was mostly positive, stating that our message was clearly communicated across in an adept way.