My Response to Lockdown

We looked at the action zone diagram today, and it got us thinking about who we were in this difficult time in our lives, and the person we should strive to be.

I’ve been handling this circuit breaker as well as I’ve been able to. I have been keeping to the guidelines; when I go outside, I wear a mask and bring registration to the grocery store. I have been attending all my classes and keeping busy with my novel when I get a moment to myself. When I get a chance to be offline for a while, I play my guitar and practice songs I’m not too good at or want to get better at. I’m hoping that something good will come out of this experience, so I’m learning a new skill as well – how to play poker. I’ve also been keeping social, and calling my friends every day or every second day to make sure they’re okay. Sometimes we play some games, such as online pictionary or Psyche. But we’re keeping in touch. These are the same friends I am writing the book with (it’s a series of four), and we try to work on that often, too. I’ve also been trying to better my art skills by making a series of concept art for my iteration of the book. Decorating my room keeps me busy, too. I’ve been writing down my favorite song lyrics on postit notes and putting them on my desk and shelves so as to have optimum inspiration. They’re like poems and just as powerful, you know. I’ve also been writing my own songs and setting them to guitar chords, but my lyrics aren’t as powerful as Stevie Nicks’, of course.

I’m hoping to make sure that my quarantine experience is as creative as it can be. I have also been making time to eat dinner with my family every night, and we always have so much fun at the dinner table, sharing stories about our day and events in our life pre-quarantine. I feel as if we didn’t stop and talk to each other this much before, but now we have a newfound respect for one another. However… I still really miss my friends and am actually looking forward to going back to school, if only to see them again.

So yeah, that’s my lockdown experience so far.