Political Cartoon Analysis – International Space Station

In this cartoon, we can see about six astronauts on the international space station (written in large, blue letters next to them) looking down at Planet Earth from deep space. There’s a lone line of dialogue, “Imagine being huddled together inside for months…”, complete with ellipses. This cartoon is paired with context, as it is obviously referring to the coronavirus crisis happening at present (2020), on Earth. There’s irony to this, as the astronauts are obviously referring to quarantining or social isolating in these current times, and yet they’re huddled together on the space station, which is (quite frankly) a lot like quarantine. I found this interesting because the astronauts are obviously regarding the coronavirus from afar (as spectators rather than experiencing the situation themselves), acknowledging that this is happening on Earth as they are viewing it. From a satirical point of view, I also detect a hint of sarcasm from the dialogue, that maybe the astronaut speaking is referring to the fact that people continue to complain about being stuck inside their homes for so long and never getting to see their friends or getting to go to restaurants, and yet these astronauts are risking their lives away from their families every day, while still being quarantined in a small space. On the other hand, if the dialogue were to be viewed in a non-sarcastic way, with the astronaut genuinely fearing for people’s safety on Earth, then the point that the cartoonist is trying to make is that this is a very serious issue, and we should all be worried. From a humor point of view, however, it’s quite easy to see how this can be viewed sarcastically.

One comment

  1. Katherine Wallace · June 17, 2020 at 11:55 am ·

    Yes, a good choice, although it’s important in this case to unpack the visual choices here and consider how they work with the dialogue to create the message. Very good on concept.