Response to Lockdown – No. 2

Things have been fine, for the most part. We moved house a couple weeks ago, but all the boxes are unpacked and we’ve settled in. And I’ve almost finished decorating my room, save for the fact that I can’t go to my favorite poster store to buy some more posters. I try to keep myself as busy as possible, especially since I’m finding that feeling unproductive basically sucks. But I’m also sticking to the fact that productivity is relative, and I feel productive even if I can dedicate hours of my day to watching a movie! Speaking of movies: I’ve been keeping my movie night every Saturday. I’m doing it by series or categories. And I’m kind of into Leo DiCaprio at the moment, so I’m watching all of his old films. So far, I’ve hit Catch Me If You Can, Inception and Titanic just last Saturday. I sat myself down and watched Titanic in full for the first time in like three years, and I loved it. And yes, I’m pretty sure that my sisters got tired of hearing about how great it was.

I’ve always kind of kept to myself in my fam, so that’s not much of an adjustment. I get the chance to write a lot more these days, and my novel is finished (only took me like ten months and 400+ pages, but we got here!), and I’m thinking of publishing it. After the circuit breaker, that is. And I’ve had time to play a lot more guitar, too; I taught myself a couple months ago and can pretty much swing any song if I know the chords. I’ve even been writing some of my own songs! I’m at a sweet spot called campfire guitarist, and my strumming has so improved. It’s actually harder than it seems, and I still can’t manage to hit the Bb chord every time. Yikes.

I’ve been trying to keep myself productive, especially by learning a new skill. All this time quarantined with my dad means he got to finally teach me (and my sisters) how to play poker! I got the hang of it pretty quickly. We’re playing one very long game that’s been going on for days – we keep pausing – (and we’re betting real money, highest bid is 20 dollars), and I even won a few hands! When I win the game (oh yes, I’m very confident!), I’m going to order a Leo DiCaprio poster for my new room off Amazon.

I’m also noticing things now that I didn’t really notice B.C: Before circuit-breaker. I think I overuse the word “literally” way too much; my dad pointed it out to me and I was literally shocked. I didn’t think I used it too much; none of my friends noticed it, but now I can’t unhear it. I don’t write it, but apparently I say it A LOT, and double yikes. My mom thought it was Gen-Z lingo, but it is literally so early-2000s. Can anyone say that one cancelled teen show on CBS much?!

And I’m finding I actually really enjoy dinner with the fam. My little sister is SO funny! Just the other night, she was telling us a joke… ack, I just can’t remember what it was. I’ll have to ask her. I came up with a joke, too; I’ve been telling it to different people. Pfft, reusing it more like. I guess I could tell you guys, but I think I’ll save it. Maybe I’ll mention it later. Oh, and my dad is such a good cook. We’ve been having a whole lot of homecooked meals, and the fish we had the other night was to die for!

But the highlights of my days are always in the afternoons, just after school, when I go with my mom to run some errands. Then we get to take a drive and the two of us can listen to the Fleetwood Mac albums I’m so super into at the moment. We’re dropping off donation boxes mainly – since we moved, we realized that we have SO MUCH extra stuff we’ve either outgrown or don’t need anymore, so we’re helping others at this time. It’s super nice. Sometimes we go to the grocery store, a.k.a the Warzone, and they’ll be SUPER out of Magnums. Looks like we have to get off-brand ice cream again.