
When IFP began we were all aware of the unique circumstances that prevented organising the traditional conference. Local restrictions and a complete shutdown of international travel meant some other form of impact and action was needed.

So while we learnt about peace and conflict, we also brainstormed ideas for ways to engage our community. We decided small workshops would be most effective and our supervisors reached out to the head of grades to seek permission to host such an event.


We were given the opportunity to present to the new G11s in the new year an introductory session to peace building during their orientation programme.

Taking all we had learnt throughout the past half year, we split up into groups of 3 or 4 and brainstormed our own activities to be run. While we each considered what aspect of peace we wanted to present as independent groups, we didn’t want the topics to be too disconnected from each other. So we came together in between our group plans to come up with a theme and objective for the workshop.

After each group had created their activity, we took it in turns to trial run them with each other and identify improvements. We had only two opportunities for this due to the time constraints and the infrequency of our meetings.